Learn the fundamentals of the St. John Method of Neuromuscular Therapy, especially, how to measure and evaluate your patients so that you can build a proper treatment protocol. Learn precise methods of treating the anterior and posterior cervical regions to help correct dysfunctional movement and structural patterns and relieve pain. |
Price : $180.00 |
Learn how abnormal amounts of tilt, rotation, flexion/extension and projection distort the spine, pelvis and sacroiliac joints. Examine torque as the primary force that destroys lumbar disks. Learn evaluation and treatment techniques to ensure that the pelvis, as the body's center of gravity, is balanced and stable. |
Price : $180.00 |
Learn how distortions in the horizontal planes of the body ( the cranial base, shoulder, girdle, pelvis, and talus joint of the ankle) cause pain and inflammation in the shoulder region. Discover why it's essential to properly release the associated muscles to maintain a straight spine. |
Price : $180.00 |
Learn how structural distortions can work their way up the postural chain and how the abnormal pull of various muscles in the neck, shoulder and spine can affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Discover how abnormal occlusion can inversely cause tension in the neck and shoulders, as well as cause distortions in the cranium that can lead to scoliotic patterns. |
Price : $180.00 |
Learn effective techniques to normalize the soft-tissue components of structural imbalances in the cranium. Analyze cranial distortions that cause structural changes down the entire postural chain. Take an in-depth look at scoliosis as an adaptation process designed by the body to maintain structural homeostasis. |
Price : $180.00 |
Science & Philosophy
In this set of videos we discuss the basic physiological and neurological principals behind the St. John Method of Neuromuscular Therapy. His discussion includes ischemia, trigger points, nerve compression, and postural distortion, as well as the neurological laws that every therapist should know, such as the Law of Facilitation, Davis’ Law, Hilton’s Law, and the Arndt-Schultz Law. |
Price : $69.95 |
NMT 1-5 & Science & Philosophy DVD Set
Receive All Five DVD's AND the Science and Philosophy set for a discount of $250.00. |
Price : $720.00 |
Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy - CD and Book Set
Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, M.D. Mac/Windows compatible. XP compatible. |
Price : $149.95 |
Acland’s Atlas of Human Anatomy
The DVDs in this remarkable and beautifully produced video anatomy atlas explore the fundamental structures of the Musculoskeletal System, the Head and Neck, and the Internal Organs.
Price : $185.00 |
Pathology A to Z Handbook for Massage Therapists Spiralbound book with CD-ROM, Professional Edition
Focused on pathology needs for massage therapists, this reference in encyclopedia-like format is organized alphabetically according to diseases.
Price : $99.50 |
The Dissectable Human CD-ROM
The complete dissection of an actual human cadaver is shown. Mac/Win compatible.
Price : $64.95 |
Stretching: The Book, Video, and DVD by Bob Anderson
The video leads you through easy-to-do stretches for back, groin, hips, legs, feet, and upper body. Concludes with a 14-minute daily routine you can use for everyday fitness. Running time: 60 minutes. |
Price : $16.95 |
Client Education Series